Friday, May 3, 2013

Libertarian on Campus

A couple months ago I went to Washington, DC for the International Students for Liberty Conference (ISLFC), a libertarian student organization. At the conference I was able to attend a taping of FOX Business's ​Stossel.​ During the show, John Stossel and his guest, 2012 Libertarian presidential candidate, Gov. Gary Johnson, were discussing the attractiveness of being a libertarian.

Johnson said, "It's cool to be socially accepting and fiscally conservative." While I wouldn't say "cool", I would say that being a libertarian at a university like Loyola is interesting. There is room for disagreement on campus, but most importantly there is room for discussion. Not many students on campus are libertarians. However, whenever people find out I'm a libertarian, it is met with curiosity and openness. The more I talk with people around campus, the more I see people actually willing to accept these ideas. Liberty is a great ideology and what I've found at Loyola is that while it still isn't as cool as being a Democrat, libertarians are becoming more popular and more accepted on campus.

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