Thursday, September 1, 2011

¿Que bola, asere? An Introduction

The title of this blog may be a bit misleading. By exile I don't mean that I've left Miami to seek refuge (though I guess you could say I'm seeking refuge from the heat, humidity and the occasional hurricane), but rather, just that I'm away from home. I've lived in Miami my entire life. Technically, most of my life. I was born just outside of Tampa until my family moved to Orlando when I was a few months old and eventually Miami when I was a year old. So for all intents and purposes I am a "Miami boy".

Now I'm in the beautiful city of Chicago. Don't get me wrong, Chicago's an amazing city, but it's not Miami. There's just something about Miami that makes it different from every other city in the United States.

A few years ago I heard a commentary on Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in Egypt when they were escaping King Herod's slaughter of infants. The question arose, if the Holy Family spent a few years in Egypt, wouldn't they have lost some Jewish customs and adopted more Egyptian customs? The commentator's answer was no. In fact, according to this commentator the Holy Family would have reverted more to their Jewish customs and learn to have a deeper appreciation for them more in a new country.

Likewise, I'm one of those people who criticizes Miami and what's wrong with it. I couldn't wait to get out of Miami and go to the real United States. Now that I left Miami I'm starting to miss it. Don't get me wrong, I love the Second City and don't regret my decision to leave, but there are things about Miami I do miss. Food and Cubans being two of them. Leaving has given me a greater appreciation for South Florida. Though I can't state this enough: Chicago is one of the greatest cities in the country (Second only to Miami).

So this blog is just going to be my thoughts on different aspects of Miami, Chicago, politics, faith, music, film and just about everything else. I hope you enjoy it.

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